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I have spent quite a while collecting these MIBS for Getif. They ought to work for most SNMPv1 compliant browsers as well.

Download the SNMP4tPC Getif MIB collection now by clicking here!
You will notice that the Getif.log file has some entries now. This is due in part to missing cross-references. I have not spent a lot of time cleaning it up, as it might reduce the number of browse-able objects. Plus, it's a lot of work. Remember, we're compiling 620 MIBS now!
Important Note: In order to use Getif effectively, you must have SNMP installed, and know the IP address and the community name(s) of the device you want to access. If you don't, the SNMP functions will not work.
The remainder of this page attempts to help you discover how to get the most out of Getif, and describes each tab in more detail. Skip it if all you want is the program and/or the MIB collection.
Parameters -To begin with, you must first start the program, and enter in the IP address of the device you want to connect to as well as the read and write community strings. You do this from the Parameters page as shown below.
On this page, you can also enter the SNMP timeout and retry values. You should leave them at their default values in most cases, however on a slow LAN or WAN, you might want to increase the timeout (I suggest increments of 500ms if you need to.) and retry values.
Note: The fields with white backgrounds can be changed; the rest are display fields only.
The ifNumber field identifies the number of interfaces found by Getif on the device selected. For example, on my system, I have 3 (1 loopback, and 2 real NICs).
The SysServices number identifies the SNMP support provided by the system. On my system, the number 76 represents the fact the the box is providing application, end-to-end, and Internet services. Each service type has a number assigned, and they add up to the SysServices number displayed. Sorry! I can't remember what each service number is (as I write this).
Hint: You can set the default IP Address, and community names here, so you don't have to re-enter them each time you connect
Interfaces - Selecting this tab and pressing Start will display a list of all the discovered interfaces on the selected device.
You can select to display All (default) or Administrative Up or Operationally Up interfaces only by selecting the appropriate check box.
Hint: Expand the int. field column (drag it wider) to make sure you get the entire interface number! On Windows 2000, this can be quite large (i.e. 167772##). This is the number you would plug into the MRTG Target[] line. For example, to monitor the internal network card on the system above, the MRTG target line would be:
Target[WIN2KFS1_LOCAL_NIC]: 16777220:[email protected]
Addresses - Displays the interface address information. Press the Start button.
Routing Table - Displays the routing table for each interface. Press the Start button.
Arp - Displays contents of the Arp Cache table. Press the Start button.
Gen. Table - displays the ipNetToMediaTable. Press the Start button.
IP Discovery - Here, you can select an IP Address range, and scan it to see what hosts are active. You can control the initial timeout, and subsequent timeouts, etc. so you don't spend all day scanning for non-existent devices. You can also select whether or not to resolve names. When ready, press the Start button.
Network utility x 4 2 1 2
Reachability - Select this tab, and press Start to scan the selected device for the services displayed on the left hand side of the pane. This is a handy way to quickly check for common services on the target device. When ready, press the Start button.
Hint: You can also choose to do a Ping scan as well, by clicking the check box. If you want to add the Ping scan time plots on a graph, press the Add to graph button. Then, go to the Graph tab, and press Start. You will see your PING scan times plotted there. The PING will continue as long as the check box is checked.
MIB Browser -Getif will compile SNMPv1 MIBS (it will not work with SNMPv2/3), and let you browse them in a graphical tree format as can be seen in the image below, which shows Getif browsing the Memory counters (from SNMP4W2K) on my Windows 2000 Advanced Server system. It shows the currently available (free) memory in bytes.
The top field displays the fully qualified SNMP OID name. The second field displays the representative SNMP OID number (as determined by the MIB compile). The top main screen shows the tree-view of the MIB. By selecting the value you want, and then pressing the Walk (also used as GET) button, the lower main screen will fill with the result of the walk. Select the instance you want, and the bottom 3 fields will be populated. The bottom left field displays the numeric OID (including the instance number). The middle window diplays the SNMP variable type (ipaddress, integer, nullobj, objid, string, timeticks or unsigned, and finally, the bottom right field displays the retrieved value.
Hint: If you press the Add to Graph button, the selected instance will be copied to the Graph Tab for you to do real-time monitoring. You can do this with more than one instance. Just be sure the scale gradient (i.e. %, bytes, etc.) is functional for whatever OIDs you select.
There are some limitations in version 2.2 of Getif, one being that you cannot scroll to the right in the lower main window.
Compiling additional MIBS - In order to add new (SNMPv1) MIBS to the Getif browser, you must perform the following steps.
  1. Be sure to shut down Getif
  2. Copy your new MIB(s) into the MIBS directory under the Getif install directory (usually C:Program FilesGetif 2.2MIBS). Be sure that any requisite MIBS (some MIBS require that other MIBS are there) are also copied!
  3. delete the .index file in the the C:Program FilesGetif 2.2MIBS directory
  4. Restart Getif
Check the C:Program FilesGetif 2.2Getif.log file for any errors. If no errors are found during the compile, the file will be 0 (zero) bytes in size.
Hint: I have created a MIBS.ZIP (available here) file containing a TON of additional files! Check it out!
Graph - Basically, once you have added an SNMP (or maybe a PING) value to the graph, you must go to the Graph page and press Start. The graph will then start plotting based on the Refresh time you select on the page. You can choose to have the labels displayed, or have the graph show in 3D mode (not my favorite). In this particular example, I am plotting the available memory (in bytes) as added to the graph from the Mib Browser Tab (above)
Hint: Choosing the X Labels will show the real (not relative) time of each plot. the Nb pts increases or decreases the granularity.

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Updated: January 10, 2020 Home » Freeware and Software Reviews » Wireless WiFi Optimization & Network
How to test internal LAN network speed? In order to test and troubleshoot networks we need tools that allow us to generate network traffic and analyze the network’s throughput performance. This is true for both wired and wireless networks. In order to properly troubleshoot a wireless (or wired) network we need a way to benchmark its performance, so as modifications are made we can determine whether or not they really make a difference in the network’s performance.
Alternative 2020 Article ➤ 4 Free P2P Intranet Software – Create Home Office File Sharing Network
This is where these LAN benchmarking tools fits in to test network speed between two computers. The concept is you install a new wireless network and it works perfectly. Run these tools and record the benchmark results for later reference. Sometime in the future when either you or others suspect performance has declined then run these tools again and compare the latest results with those you gathered when the network was first installed and working perfectly.

↓ 01 – LAN Speed Test Lite | Windows | macOS

LAN Speed Test was designed from the ground up to be a simple but powerful tool for measuring file transfer, hard drive, USB Drive, and Local Area Network (LAN) speeds (wired & wireless). First, you pick a folder to test to. This folder can be on a local drive or USB drive, etc. Keka file archiver 1 1 20. to test the drive speed, or a shared folder on your network to test your network speed.
Next, LAN Speed Test builds a file in memory, then transfers it both ways (without effects of Windows/Mac file caching) while keeping track of the time, and then does the calculations for you. For more advanced users, you can test to LAN Speed Test Server instead of a shared folder to take the slower hard drives out of the process as you are testing from one computer’s RAM to another computer’s RAM. Simple concept and easy to use. You’ll find that LAN Speed Test will quickly become one of your favorite network tools!

↓ 02 – HELIOS LanTest | Windows | macOS

HELIOS LanTest is a very popular network performance and reliability testing solution for Mac and Windows clients. It is very easy to use within seconds and scales from single local disk testing, to testing performance of a network volume, as well as multi-user concurrent client testing against a single server volume.
HELIOS LanTest can be downloaded via HELIOS WebShare at Server:, User name and password are – tools

↓ 03 – TamoSoft Throughput Test | Windows | macOS

TamoSoft Throughput Test is a utility for testing the performance of a wireless or wired network. This utility continuously sends TCP and UDP data streams across your network and computes important metrics, such as upstream and downstream throughput values, packet loss, and round-trip time, and displays the results in both numeric and chart formats. TamoSoft Throughput Test supports both IPv4 and IPv6 connections and allows the user to evaluate network performance depending on the Quality of Service (QoS) settings.

Network Utility X 4 2 1 2

Microsoft Windows: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2. Mac OS X: Yosemite (10.10), El Capitan (10.11), Sierra (10.12), High Sierra (10.13), Mojave (10.14). Android (client only): Android 4.1 and newer. iOS (client only): iOS 8.0 and newer.

↓ 04 – LANBench | Windows

LANBench is a simple LAN / TCP Network benchmark utility. It is designed for testing network performance between two computers and is based on Winsock 2.2. LANBench tests TCP performance only and is designed for minimal CPU usage so that the pure performance of your network could be fully tested.

↓ 05 – NetIO-GUI | Windows

NetIO-GUI is a Windows frontend for the multiplatform commandline utility ‘netio’. It measures ICMP respond times and network transfer rates for different packet sizes and protocols. All results are stored in a SQLite database file and can easily be compared. NetIO-GUI is preferred to rate the quality of peer-to-peer connections like VPN.

↓ 06 – NetStress | Windows

NetStress allows you to generate network traffic and analyze the network’s throughput performance. The results of that comparison with previous benchmark will indicate whether or not there really is a problem and dictate which steps to take next (if any). Regardless of your technical expertise or how expensive your diagnostic tools, if you are modifying a wireless network or making decisions to modify it and you are not testing throughput then you risk wasting time and resources going down the wrong path.

5 X 1

↓ 07 – iperf | macOS | Linux

iperf is a tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks. It supports tuning of various parameters related to timing, protocols, and buffers. For each test it reports the bandwidth, loss, and other parameters. The current version, sometimes referred to as iperf3, is a redesign of an original version developed at NLANR/DAST.
iperf3 is a new implementation from scratch, with the goal of a smaller, simpler code base, and a library version of the functionality that can be used in other programs. iperf3 also a number of features found in other tools such as nuttcp and netperf, but were missing from the original iperf. These include, for example, a zero-copy mode and optional JSON output. Note that iperf3 is not backwards compatible with the original iperf.

↓ 08 – PassMark Advanced Network Test | Free Trial | Windows

The network benchmark test will work with any type of TCP/IP connection. Including ethernet, dial up modems, ADSL, cable modems, local area networks (LAN), Wide area networks (WAN) and wireless networking (WiFi). The software has been optimized to use a minimum amount of CPU time, allowing even high speed gigabit ethernet connections to be benchmarked. Users have the ability to change the following test parameters.

X 2 4 X 2 4x 4

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